Mind Matters courses are delivered online and are developed to help you manage specific difficulties. They provide a safe learning environment and a chance to learn skills and techniques alongside others. Being in a group can help normalise the issues you may be facing and support you in putting into practice the tools and techniques learned.  Each week there will be tasks to complete between sessions to help you discover what works well for you. 

There is no pressure on you to contribute to the sessions. However, participation is gently encouraged, and people often report that they gain more from the course if they get involved. The focus tends to be on the ‘here and now', and sharing personal information or details is not necessary. 

If you like the sound of one of our courses, mention this to your therapist during your initial assessment.

Duration: 5 weeks, 2 hours per week

Learn a new technique each week to add to your toolkit of self-help strategies to help you improve low mood and manage anxiety. 

By the end of treatment, you will be equipped with resources you can use to help you get the most out of life. 

This course will help you:

  • Identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts

  • Gain a toolkit to help you address and overcome the unhelpful behaviours  

  • Understand and find effective ways to manage anxiety, panic, worry and stress  

  • Learn how to improve your sleep and lifestyle 

Duration: 5 weeks, 2 hours per week

This course is suitable for parents with a child/ children under the age of 5 or parents to be, who experience symptoms of low mood, distress, or anxiety.

It is a relaxed course where you can learn some techniques to add to your toolkit of self-help strategies alongside meeting other parents who have similar difficulties. It is a very normalising and safe environment to understand more about why we may be feeling this way and what to do to help.

This course will help you:

  • Identify unhelpful behaviours and thoughts
  • Gain a toolkit to help you address and overcome unhelpful behaviours and thoughts  
  • Understand and find effective ways to manage anxiety, panic, worry and stress  
  • Manage expectations and improve communication
  • Explore different relaxation techniques to help you find ones that work for you

Duration: 5 weeks, 2 hours per week

This course is suitable for individuals who’s main difficulty is stress. Whilst we cannot change the stressful situations you may be in, this course will tech you helpful coping strategies to manage stress and the difficulties that often come with it (low mood, worry, and anxiety).  

This course will help you:

  • Understand what stress is and how it may be impacting you  
  • Identify unhelpful behaviours and thoughts
  • Gain a toolkit to help you address and overcome unhelpful behaviours and thoughts  
  • Understand and find effective ways to manage anxiety, panic, worry and stress  

Duration: 7 weeks, 1.5 hours per week

This popular course aims to help you understand how an unhelpful cycle of emotions, thoughts, and behaviours maintains low mood and depression over time.  You will learn valuable coping skills to help you break this cycle. 

We aim to make you feel empowered, understood, safe and less isolated. To get the most from our course, members are encouraged to practice the skills taught between each session.

This course will:

  • Introduce you to the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy model of low mood and depression 

  • Help you reflect on things that are important in your life and consider your wellbeing goals  

  • Encourage you to gradually take part in activities that are personally meaningful to you 

  • Help you identify and modify unhelpful thoughts and beliefs 

  • Help you reduce worry and rumination

Duration: 7 weeks, 1.5 hours per week

Suffering from high levels of anxiety can have a substantial impact on a person's day to day life. It can affect how you feel, think and behave. This course will help you develop strategies to manage and overcome these feelings.

Each session includes a break and an opportunity to practice a relaxation technique.  

This course will:

  • Provide information on the nature of anxiety

  • Explain the role of avoidance in anxiety

  • Explore how our thoughts and actions can affect how anxious we feel

  • To teach strategies and techniques to manage and reduce feelings of anxiety, including relaxation techniques

  • Learning how to cope with uncertainty

Duration: 7 weeks, 1.5 hours per week

This course teaches you Cognitive Behavioural Therapy strategies to improve your self-esteem. We can provide an individual follow up appointment to help you to tailor these skills to your own situation if needed.

This course will:

  • Provide information on low self-esteem and how it is maintained.

  • Introduce you to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

  • Explore how the way we think and behave can affect our emotions and how we feel and provide you with techniques to manage this

  • Discuss ways of changing our thought patterns

  • Cover several other areas, such as how to be more assertive, challenge our beliefs about ourselves and change how we behave in situations

Duration: 7 weeks, 1.5 hours per week

Whilst anger itself is a normal emotion which we may continue to experience from time to time, it is the consequences of anger that can be detrimental.

Therefore, our goal is not to make the anger go away but to learn how to deal with anger in healthier ways and to reduce the detrimental consequence/impact on your life.

The course will be covering the following topics:

  • Understanding anger 

  • Control mechanisms and strategies to manage anger

  • Assertiveness and communication

  • Challenging angry thoughts

Duration: 7 weeks, 1.5 hours per week

Our Mothers' Wellbeing course is suitable for mums-to-be and mothers of young children, who experience symptoms of distress, low mood and anxiety.

It is a relaxed and supportive learning environment, where you can connect with other mums, talk about your experiences of pregnancy, birth and early motherhood, and develop skills and strategies to help deal with the challenges you are facing.

This course will:

  • help to challenge some unhelpful expectations of motherhood in a non-judgmental and supportive environment

  • help to identify certain behaviours, thinking patterns and situations that may be contributing to your low mood or anxiety

  • give you the chance to learn skills to change them and help develop self-compassion.

Duration: 7 weeks, 1.5 hours per week

During the course we aim to provide a range of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy skills that are targeted at managing depression and anxiety in fathers of young children.  

The format aims to:

  • provide fathers with an opportunity to share common issues and experiences in a supportive atmosphere.
  • help to challenge some unhelpful expectations of fatherhood in a non-judgmental and supportive environment

  • help to identify certain behaviours, thinking patterns and situations that may be contributing to your low mood or anxiety; 

  • give you the chance to learn skills to change them and help develop self-compassion.

Duration: 8 weeks, 2 hours per week

This Mindfulness-Based 8-week programme is highly recommended to support relapse prevention for those who have had more than one episode of depression. Previous experience of Mindfulness is not required and it has been recommended to learn these skills to stay well.

This course aims to promote a different relationship with our own thoughts and emotions by participating in diverse meditation practices and recommended activities. 

It would be beneficial for those struggling with constant worry/rumination about past and future events or if you are feeling trapped in a debilitating cycle of depression. 

Due to the experiential nature of the course, it is important to be able to dedicate some time to home practice in between the weekly sessions.

Duration: 7 weeks, 1.5 hours per week

This is a counselling based course and offers a relaxed and supportive environment that can help adults who have suffered bereavement or other major life loss.

It is designed for those who are still experiencing distressing symptoms at least six months after the loss occurred. 

This course will:

  • Explore the nature of the significant loss

  • Identify the symptoms and behaviour that may be experienced because of it  

  • Help you understand how to accept the reality of the loss

  • Help you work through the pain of grief to be able to adjust, which will help to maintain a connection to the deceased while moving on with life.