Below are the different types of therapies we offer on a one-to-one basis.
Guided Self Help is based on the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). In this treatment, we look at how our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and physical symptoms are linked together and how this can cause a vicious cycle to form. You will work alongside a therapist who will guide you through the therapy materials to learn new skills and techniques to help manage your current difficulties. The treatment aims to support you in becoming your own therapist. During your treatment, you will learn several strategies you can then continue to use independently once your treatment has finished.
What is SilverCloud
SilverCloud is a digital online cognitive behavioural therapy programme offering specific courses for common mental health issues. It is an effective treatment option for those who suffer from low mood and anxiety and ideal if you prefer the convenience of working through a programme at your own pace. It can be accessed 24 hours a day.
We offer SilverCloud with regular support from one of our therapists over a number of weeks. Your therapist can call you by phone and support you to complete each module of the course of treatment. You will learn new strategies and be provided with tools and techniques to help you manage the difficulties you are experiencing and feel better.
There are around 30 different programmes available and, once registered, you will have access to SilverCloud for up to a year.
You can start your treatment with SilverCloud straight away. Once you click on this link, you can set up your own account and access your chosen SilverCloud programme.
You will still be asked to attend an assessment with us where you can choose an alternative therapy, if you wish, or you can continue using SilverCloud with the help of a therapist.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapy recommended for anxiety and depression. CBT looks at the relationships between our thoughts, feelings and behaviours in response to a particular situation. CBT aims to help you deal with overwhelming difficulties in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts. Your therapist will provide structured therapy sessions and teach you tools and techniques that will help you make long-lasting changes.
CBT is effective in helping people to over come worry and anxiety, depression and negative thinking. It focuses mainly on the present and involves planning practical exercises or experiments to be completed as homework tasks between sessions.
Talk to your therapist at your assessment fo find out more about the different types of CBT treatment we offer and how these can help you.
We offer CBT courses to manage specific issues, one to one therapy and guided self-help and digital online therapy. We also have specifically trained CBT therapists to help those who are experiencing a long term physical condtion that is affecting their mental health.
Counselling provides a safe space for you to explore your feelings and emotions with a view to better understanding them.
We offer a person-centred time limited approach, which involves the therapist listening to your experiences and empathically tracking your process. This better understanding or self-awareness can lead to a shift in your perspective, enabling you to consider positive ways of moving forwards.
Talk to your therapist at your assessment if you think you would benefit from attending counselling with Mind Matters.
Couple Therapy for Depression is a behaviourally-based couple therapy designed to treat depression in couples with relationship distress.
Couple Therapy for Depression:
- reduces damaging interactions between couples
- builds emotional openness and closeness
- improves communication and behaviour
- changes unhelpful cognitions and perceptions and
- helps the couple cope with the ordinary and not-so-ordinary stresses that arise in the course of everyday relating.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy was developed to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It can be an alternative to cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for PTSD.
EMDR works on the basis that traumatic experiences are not always 'processed' or 'stored' correctly by the brain because of the impact and severity of the trauma. EMDR focuses on trying to reduce the emotional distress caused by the traumatic event.
Your therapist will determine which memory to focus on and you will be asked to hold different aspects of that event or thought in mind and use your eyes to track the therapist's hand as it moves back and forth across your field of vision. As this happens, you will begin to process the memory and disturbing feelings that come with it, and the emotional distress will be reduced.
Your therapist may encourage you to recall some, or all, aspects of the trauma you experienced whilst focusing on an exercise provided by the therapist. This technique allows the brain to make sense of different memories from the trauma and store these memories in a better way.
At Mind Matters, we offer CBT and EMDR for post traumatic distress disorder (PTSD). More complex trauma or trauma experienced over a period of time may require a referral to a more specialist service.
Your therapist can discuss your suitability for EMDR or CBT at your initial assessment.